Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello again

I guess it's been a while since I posted. Things have been going pretty smooth lately. Kids are doing great, & Gage starts kindergarten in 2 weeks! I have A KINDERGARTNER! Holy Crap!!

He is so excited! He is actually staying at the same school he is at. He will have 9 maybe 10 kids in his class. And he'll 'graduate' like he did for preschool. He is so smart & is over all a really sweet boy. He always says such sweet things to me. He told me yesterday he was going to miss me while he was at school. So sweet. I want to do all I can to make sure I raise him to be a sweet caring man. He was having some trouble dealing with some things. He would hit or kick me. I learned the best way to help him was to remind him how we behave before we go out. What we are getting, or just getting 1 or 2 things. What I expect from him at the store. He does so much better.

Chloe is still the same sassy little princess she always has been. She is much smarter at this age that Gage was at this age. She is potty trained. She regressed for a few weeks, but we are getting back on track with that. She moves to the 3 year old next week. So big girl class for her. She is technically the youngest, but she was in the 2 year olds before she was 2 last year. She has 2 boyfriends at school too. haha. She is so funny.

Here is a picture from today:

And me. Well nothing new in that department. Single, no dates. Which I am okay with. Longest I've been single since I was 17. Which is weird, because now I can't even remember what it was like to be in a relationship. Sure, I miss the companionship, but I am so busy right now with Running, school, & other things. So I don't know if I'd have time for a relationship. I know it will happen in God's time.

Their dad is dating a lady...she is um, a bit older, so yeah, kind of weird, but I did introduce myself to her. All she knows of me is what AJ has told her. So yeah, I am sure she has a great image of me. AJ doesn't even know I am today. I am the person I was before him. Inside & out.

Still working at the university. It's still pretty great. A few coworkers I don't like, & learning how to deal with their own insanity & keep my serenity is proving to be difficult. All in time though.

All is well. Thankful for my health, my kids, & the roof over our heads & food in our bellies. I know I don't say that enough, but I am. God provides for us each month...without fail.

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