Friday, July 25, 2008

Almost 27 weeks

I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow. That means I'll hit my 3rd trimester next Saturday! Wow! Already! Crazy! It's going fast. My body has been run down lately though. Very tired and achy, fun stuff like that. I had my monthly appointment yesterday. Everthing is good. Little baby is moving so much right now. She is so active. I like it because I know she is okay. :)

I'll get my Rhogam shot on the 4th. They decided not to give it to me this time because I'm not close enough to 28 weeks to have it.

Gage's birthday is less than a month away. His birthday is actually on the day of his party, the 23rd, so that is fun! I have one more address I need to get and I can send the invitations. (Wendy, email me at ********, we are having at a place that Isabella might enjoy and I can send you an invitation, if you like :)...)

Guess that's all. Just swimming this weekend and my grandma from out of town is coming over Sunday to spend time with tus.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch Up

Things are kind of boring right now. We've been going swimming a lot and Gage really enjoys it. He's really good in the pool.

Pregnancy wise not much is happening. I'm 25 weeks today. She is moving around a lot and is very active. I do my glucose next week and have a drs. appt the 25th. I think I get my Rhogam shot at that appt if I don't have any antibodies left over. I think my appts will start every 2 weeks since I'll be close to my 3rd trimester.

Me about 3 weeks ago. :D

This pregnancy is going so fast. I've bought a few more clothes. My sister is giving me a baby shower in September that will be for people to just bring clothes since we have everything else. :) My other sister's baby shouwer is next weekend. I'm not really looking forward to it, oh well. I have to go.

Gage's crib was recalled. I filled out the form online, they sent me a package to send all the hardware back and they'll send you a voucher for the price of the crib at BabiesRUs. I'm excited for a new crib. Right now Gage just has his mattress on the floor and he thinks it's so cool!

I've started planning Gage's birthday party. I can't believe he'll be 2 in August!

We cleaned out our garage today, well started. It was hot, but it really needed to happen. AJ bought this house 4 years ago last week and it's never been cleaned.