Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer is almost over

Gage will be 3 in a few weeks. CRAZY. His birthday is Disney Cars theme. He loves that movie. He is so smart. He has so much energy and is quite the little chatter box.

Chloe is getting so big. Her 9 month check up she weighed 23.4lbs and was 29 inches long. All in the 90%!! Just like Gage. She is walking now. All the time. It's so crazy. Sometimes she looks like frankenstein. hehe. She'll be one soon. Her birthday is Ladybugs. I am really excited.

I am still at home with them. Ups and downs, but overall okay.

Having some family issues with my family, but AJ's family has been really great to me. I really am lucky to have them.

Nothing much else to report.