Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas was awesome!

Gage had so much fun this year. He really believed Santa came and left him presents. We are on a limited budget so they each got one big gift and a few small things.

Gage received Hot Wheels & Chloe got her first Cabage Patch. Both loved them!

It snowed here on Christmas. The last time it snowed here was 80 some odd years ago. It's VERY RARE! But it was awesome!

Here are some pics to enjoy!

They are thrilled!

Gage & his toy:

Chloe's crazy hair!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost Christmas

Chloe - she is starting to say words! LOVE IT! She says mamma, dadadadada, shoes, & teeth. She loves books, pretty bright toys, BABY DOLLS!, & boobie! She signs milk & book. She loves Gage & smiles each time she sees him after waking up.

She has also started voicing her wants. I tried to give her some cheerios yesterday and she squealed and pointed to the animal crackers. Ha. When did she get old enough for an opinion!?!?!

Gage - This kid is so funny. He says some of the funniest things. He usually makes people, besides me, laugh. So that counts as funny. He made the doctor & his teacher laugh. He loves school. He is the youngest in his class...being an August birthday, but is doing really well. He knows how to "read" his letters & numbers, even though he only does it for his teachers. He is very competative with the other boys so it helps him learn. I'm all for it. I am going to start him in BlastBall this spring. I think he'll have a lot of fun.

He is very strong willed, as usual. He does not listen and get to visit time out a lot because of it. It seems to not be working much, but when Daddy is home he doesn't like it when Daddy disciplines him.

He is getting very exciting for Christmas. He got into it some last year, but this year he is totally into it.

We got some snow last week. It only stuck for a few hours. Which in Texas is a HUGE deal! They loved to look out side at it.

The Christmas tree is up. I have ornaments about 1/2 way down because they would play with them all the time. haha.