Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas was awesome!

Gage had so much fun this year. He really believed Santa came and left him presents. We are on a limited budget so they each got one big gift and a few small things.

Gage received Hot Wheels & Chloe got her first Cabage Patch. Both loved them!

It snowed here on Christmas. The last time it snowed here was 80 some odd years ago. It's VERY RARE! But it was awesome!

Here are some pics to enjoy!

They are thrilled!

Gage & his toy:

Chloe's crazy hair!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost Christmas

Chloe - she is starting to say words! LOVE IT! She says mamma, dadadadada, shoes, & teeth. She loves books, pretty bright toys, BABY DOLLS!, & boobie! She signs milk & book. She loves Gage & smiles each time she sees him after waking up.

She has also started voicing her wants. I tried to give her some cheerios yesterday and she squealed and pointed to the animal crackers. Ha. When did she get old enough for an opinion!?!?!

Gage - This kid is so funny. He says some of the funniest things. He usually makes people, besides me, laugh. So that counts as funny. He made the doctor & his teacher laugh. He loves school. He is the youngest in his class...being an August birthday, but is doing really well. He knows how to "read" his letters & numbers, even though he only does it for his teachers. He is very competative with the other boys so it helps him learn. I'm all for it. I am going to start him in BlastBall this spring. I think he'll have a lot of fun.

He is very strong willed, as usual. He does not listen and get to visit time out a lot because of it. It seems to not be working much, but when Daddy is home he doesn't like it when Daddy disciplines him.

He is getting very exciting for Christmas. He got into it some last year, but this year he is totally into it.

We got some snow last week. It only stuck for a few hours. Which in Texas is a HUGE deal! They loved to look out side at it.

The Christmas tree is up. I have ornaments about 1/2 way down because they would play with them all the time. haha.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Gage started preschool last Tuesday. I decided it was time for him to spend time away from me. He has deaf ears to mommy. He still is not listening and can be mean, but he loves school. He gets to take his lunch which is really fun for him.

He goes twice a week, 9-2 and sleeps for a couple hours after that.

He was regressing a bit with potty training, but since going to school is back on track.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chloe Girl is ONE!

Chloe is ONE! I forgot to post on her birthday but I'll do it today. She is such an awesome little girl. She is happy, smart, loving, feisty, and lots of other great things.

She has 6 teeth and one more is coming in.

Her stats at 1:
Ht: 30.5 in
Wt: 24.8 lbs
Head: 46 cm

She loves bounce houses. We went to a Pumpkin Patch last week and she LOVED the bounce house. She freaks when she sees one. I don't remember Gage loving them until recently. We were at a Trunk or Treat last night for my In-laws church and they had a bounce house. She kept going back to that. She kind of understood getting candy but she was most interested in going back to the bounce house.

She also loooovveess baby dolls. We call them babies. She holds them and pats their back to make them feel better. She received 2 for her birthday. She got some neat stuff for her birthday.

She has started *asking* for things more. She squeals when she wants something. The only thing she knows to sign is milk. So she does that a lot, hehe.

I started her on cloth diapers. I love them so far. I bought them from The kind of bought were Smartipants.

We had her birthday last weekend. It was a lot of fun. It was at a park so all the kids enjoyed the great weather and cake!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 weeks until Chloe is ONE!

It's hard to believe that Chloe will be one in a week! So crazy! She is a walking talking joy! I love her so much. She is a lot of fun to be around.

Her hair is really curly in the back. I adore it! Both AJ and I have curly hair so she got it from both of us. Her eyes are still blue and I am assuming they'll stay that way or go a bit green.

She has 5 teeth and a sixth coming in. We are still nursing and I am not sure when I'll wean her. :) Until next time.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September? Already?

Summer is over, and that means Gage turned 3 about a month ago. The 23rd of August. We had a Cars themed party and it was a lot of fun.

He is finally potty training. We have him staying dry all day, and poop, well that is still in progress. I sat back the other day a realized he is a big boy now. He loves watching youtube videos and playing with Chloe. He had his 3 year check up and was 39? in tall and 36lbs. He was right on track. He is doing great overall.

Chloe, little miss, is getting so big. She is 24.4lbs, not sure how tall. She has her 1 year (OMG WHERE DID THE TIME GO) on the 21st, her bday! She is having a LadyBug party. Should be fun!!

I am still at home with them. I did have an interview a couple of weeks ago but I didn't get it. I was disappointed because I felt like I could have done really well in the position. I think I am going to school in Jan. I am waiting to hear back to set an appt to see what I can do.

AJ and I are doing well. We've hit a few gliches, but we are really doing great right now. I added some new pics on the side! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer is almost over

Gage will be 3 in a few weeks. CRAZY. His birthday is Disney Cars theme. He loves that movie. He is so smart. He has so much energy and is quite the little chatter box.

Chloe is getting so big. Her 9 month check up she weighed 23.4lbs and was 29 inches long. All in the 90%!! Just like Gage. She is walking now. All the time. It's so crazy. Sometimes she looks like frankenstein. hehe. She'll be one soon. Her birthday is Ladybugs. I am really excited.

I am still at home with them. Ups and downs, but overall okay.

Having some family issues with my family, but AJ's family has been really great to me. I really am lucky to have them.

Nothing much else to report.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I guess I really suck at updating. Ever since I was laid off I like actually have to do take care of my kids and clean my house.

Chloe: She is sitting up, pulling up, crawling, *talking*, fat, and definitely sassy. She is happy most of the time. She sleeps through the night...most of the time. The last time she was weighed she was 21.4lbs (100%) & 27 1/4 inches (80%). She found Gage's room so she goes in there to find new toys to play with. I started her on solids about a month back. I made her sweet potatoes, peas & avacados. She loves both. No teeth yet, but Gage didn't get any until 9.5 months so it might be a while before she does too.

Gage: He is a mess. He is stubburn, smart, talks all the time & can find his way any time he wants. I attempted potty training a few times, but he just isn't interested. I am hoping he will soon. I hate changing his poopy diapers. Bleh. He loves to swim and has gotten pretty good at it with floaties on. He loves Cars, the movie, and Kung Fu Panda. He found some figurines at my SIL's house and she let him have them. Gage had his first trip to Urgent Care. We installed new flooring and while at the store he ran off. Something fell on the corner of his face and he got 3 stitches. It's left a scar. He wasn't supposed to be with us, but I wont go into detail about that.

Me: I am okay. Up and down. Lonely a lot. My car has no A/C so it's hard to get out in the middle of the week when AJ has his car. He does powerball at lunch so he needs his car to take it with him. He rides his bike on M & F so I can do stuff if I need to those days.

We are going on vacation soon. CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH. It will be fun. We are staying outside of Branson.

I will post a few pics! Enjoy:

The Blue Bonnett pics were taken by my friend Stefani. If you are in DFW you should check her out. Good prices and will travel to most places around DFW.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Well another month has gone by. I suck at updating this. AJ had his birthday on the 22nd and we had our 3rd anniversary on the 17th. We didn't do much for either. I did get him a digital photoframe for his birthday so he could have it for work. He liked it.

Let's see. Chloe was finally rolling everywhere. She started a bit ago and loves to roll to her belly then push her body forward with her legs. Speaking of her legs, the are still so FAT! She had her 4 month check up (one month late) and she was 18.4lbs, 25 1/4 in long, and her head is 42 cm. 55% for length and head and 100% for her weight. Gotta love that breastmilk! She is getting a really cute personality. Very happy and easy going. She wakes about once or twice a night. She actually sleeps in her bed. Something Gage would NEVER do until he was at least a year. AJ is happy she is not cosleeping like Gage did. I do get her and bring her to bed about 4-5 and snuggle. So I still get my snuggle time with her.

Gage is becoming very head strong. He is a very smart boy, and that makes for a determined little boy. He throws a fit any time we go to the store because I wont let him run. If I did, I'd loose him and have a huge meltdown because I can't find him. He thinks it's a game. I sling Chloe or else I would never be able to keep up with him. So these days I just stay close to home. He is funny, he told me the other day when I had just gotten out of the shower that I "was going to poop on the floor". I said "Why? Because I don't have underwear on?" Uh huh! He came up to me and told me I was his friend and hugged me. Cute. After a meltdown he'll say "I not crying anymore mama." A couple weeks ago I told him if he was good at Target I'd let him go to the playground. Well he wasn't good, so I told him he "lost his privilage". The next day he was good at the store or where ever we went and I said "You were so good Gage. You were being a big boy." he answered "I not loose my pivlage. I wanna go playground!" LOL.

I am doing pretty good myself. Just doing the SAHM thing for now still. I have my ups and downs. I go to my SIL's house on Friday's and he loves it. He gets to play with his cousins and I get to do crafts. We are going to be in a craft fair this Saturday so we are making things for that.

One AWESOME thing I get to do tomorrow is see BRITNEY SPEARS IN CONCERT!! I am so excited I can barely stand it. I have loved Britney since she came out. Should be really fun!! Me and my friend are going!!!

Well here are some pics for ya:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Half way through February...

Well let's see. Things are going SO much better. I have the kids with me now, and have for almost 2 weeks. Gage is doing really well with me being home. He is a funny little guy. We are kind of in a routine and he is overall pretty good.

He is really into "matching" things. Everything that matching he just gets so excited about. There were two little hispanic boys that looked similar in age and had similar shirts on and he goes "mama, mama, two, two, they match, they match!". I'll read a book and he'll say "I gotta go get something." He'll go get another book with something that matches and scream "it matches". He went around Subway today telling the colors of each chair. He is so funny.

Little miss Chloe is laughing and smiling all the time. She is starting to get a personality. Things have to be just so, and if they aren't she'll tell ya. She is almost 16lbs right now. I love it. She is full of Chub. I'll attach some pictures below.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Well things have not gone so well since being laid off. I don't know up from down, left from right. Nothing seems to be going right.

Babies are doing good though.

Chloe is 14.4lbs and 23 3/4 in long. She smiles all the time. She was trying to roll from her back to her front last night.

Mr. Gage is sick today, so he got to stay with mommy today. I had to keep the kids in daycare for 2 weeks since she requires a 2 week notice.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I got laid off today. I saw it coming. Oh well. I think this will actually be a good thing. We'll see what comes of it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monthly it seems

Little miss Chloe is getting so big. She has tons of fat rolls and definitely not skipped a meal. :) She has her 2 month check up (one month late) this week. So we'll see how much she weighs! She has some seriously pretty blue eyes. I'm wondering if they'll stay that way. I hope they do.

Gage has become such a nut. He is getting into EVERYTHING. I found him on top of the dryer getting his fruit snacks from the shelf. Then I found him climbing on the dresser trying to get candy. He is a very determined little boy. He says the funniest things. AJ will say "How 'bout, no!" and so something Gage will answer us with "how 'bout, no!" He also says lately "I stay home" when he doesn't want to go anywhere. Or if he doesn't want to eat something he'll say "Makes my face break out." He is such a nut.

Christmas was good. We got a lot of fun stuff. My dad got me the Wii Fit and I love it. AJ got something for our computer, a hard drive or something. He's been building and fixing computers again for extra money.

My younger sister moved about 15 minutes away and it's been fun since we can hang out much more often.

My birthday was last weekend and I turned 27! Ah only 3 years until I'm 30!! Weird!

Well I need to run. Have a nice week everyone!