Monday, March 30, 2009

Well another month has gone by. I suck at updating this. AJ had his birthday on the 22nd and we had our 3rd anniversary on the 17th. We didn't do much for either. I did get him a digital photoframe for his birthday so he could have it for work. He liked it.

Let's see. Chloe was finally rolling everywhere. She started a bit ago and loves to roll to her belly then push her body forward with her legs. Speaking of her legs, the are still so FAT! She had her 4 month check up (one month late) and she was 18.4lbs, 25 1/4 in long, and her head is 42 cm. 55% for length and head and 100% for her weight. Gotta love that breastmilk! She is getting a really cute personality. Very happy and easy going. She wakes about once or twice a night. She actually sleeps in her bed. Something Gage would NEVER do until he was at least a year. AJ is happy she is not cosleeping like Gage did. I do get her and bring her to bed about 4-5 and snuggle. So I still get my snuggle time with her.

Gage is becoming very head strong. He is a very smart boy, and that makes for a determined little boy. He throws a fit any time we go to the store because I wont let him run. If I did, I'd loose him and have a huge meltdown because I can't find him. He thinks it's a game. I sling Chloe or else I would never be able to keep up with him. So these days I just stay close to home. He is funny, he told me the other day when I had just gotten out of the shower that I "was going to poop on the floor". I said "Why? Because I don't have underwear on?" Uh huh! He came up to me and told me I was his friend and hugged me. Cute. After a meltdown he'll say "I not crying anymore mama." A couple weeks ago I told him if he was good at Target I'd let him go to the playground. Well he wasn't good, so I told him he "lost his privilage". The next day he was good at the store or where ever we went and I said "You were so good Gage. You were being a big boy." he answered "I not loose my pivlage. I wanna go playground!" LOL.

I am doing pretty good myself. Just doing the SAHM thing for now still. I have my ups and downs. I go to my SIL's house on Friday's and he loves it. He gets to play with his cousins and I get to do crafts. We are going to be in a craft fair this Saturday so we are making things for that.

One AWESOME thing I get to do tomorrow is see BRITNEY SPEARS IN CONCERT!! I am so excited I can barely stand it. I have loved Britney since she came out. Should be really fun!! Me and my friend are going!!!

Well here are some pics for ya: