Saturday, March 31, 2007

Picture Post

I look stupid, but this is Gage's first shopping cart ride!

Monday, March 26, 2007

My little Gagie sat in a restaurant High Chair for the first time yesterday at Chili's! He loved loved loved it. He was excited and *yelling* at the top of his longs. It was kinda cute, but sort of annoying. No one but a lady who had 4 kids was around us. I said I was sorry for him being so loud and she said "Oh Honey I have four kids, that is not loud to me."
I used the new cover I bought. He sucked on the pillow and the tag thing attached to it. And he also tried sucking on the table a few times. Gross.

think he felt a part of us instead of stuck in a carrier. :D

The waiter said "Does he need anything to drink?" "No he is okay. Thx" "Okay.". Next time around, "I have some crackers or something for him." "No he isn't eating solids yet really. He is only 7 months old." ::shocked face waiter:: "OMG are you serious? He looks at least 11 months!" "Haha, no. He is juts a big baby!".

I took pictures, of coarse. I haven't had time to upload, but I will soon!

Oh and Gage is now the same size as Abby. She is 14 months. She is finally crawling! And pulling up on things. That is how she has lost some weight. She still isn't that cute. I know, I am mean.
AND OMG, smart mouth A* (10 yo neice) decided she was going to tell me how to use a breast pump. SIL said "I think she knows how to use one." I said "I've been pumping for 6 months, 3 times a day, 10 minutes each time, I know how to pump. Last time she told me how to open a child proof meds bottle. I want to wring that little girls neck.

Gage has been rocking back and forth up on all fours this whole weekend. He looks like he is reving his engine. It's cute. I am anticipating him to crawl, but I am not sure what I will do what him once he does start crawling. AHH!

We went to SIL house yesterday for AJ bday. It was nice. No real happenings. I like K* (another SIL, remember husband is #5 of 10), I am not sure I like her kids much. They are way too rough. Eva is pretty aggressive and BIL takes her to see scary movies at the theatre...did I tell you she isn't even 3 yet? Kim gave Will (18 months) root beer. To me that seems kind of young. I really don't want to give Gage anything like that until at least two. And I honestly think that it's not out of the question to want that. I am already going slow with the solids and being strict with that. I don't want to give up because it's easier. I just want Gage to have the best.
I gave Gage some more sweet potatoes. I am going to do it again tonight. I think I'll do that every other night this week. I took some video of it. It was funny. He likes them...doesn't really beg for them...but eats it when I give it to him.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What's been goin' on?

Not much, as usual. My mom has been watching Gagie the past 2 days. He loves her. I can call her during to day and see how he is, which I really can't do with my MIL. She is so awkward to talk to on the phone.

My SIL from Utah is in town. We haven't seen them in a year. I only saw her and not the kids. The kids were at my other SIL's in bed. She is a nice girl though I like her.

Work has been really busy. I am doing someone job who is gone this week. It's really annoying. I cried yesterday because of the women she deals with. They aren't paticularlly mean, they just bug the stinkin' crap about of you. Most the stuff I don't even know what I am doing and put it aside. I've been blessed with an AWESOME boss so that really really helps. She knows what she is doing.

Gagie is starting to rock on all fours. He'll soon be crawling I know it. Abby my SIL 14 month old is not even trying to crawl. I think she scoots like Gage does right now.

I love technology. I bought a shirt last night and wasn't sure how it looked. My friend Michelle was online and I took my picture sent it to her over the IM and had her tell me if it was cute! In a matter of minutes! GREAT! It also helps that I have a husband who loves gagdets.... :D

I guess I should work!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I saw Shady for the fist time since all of her crap went down. I tried everything to avoid talking to her. I was pretty successful. I am just still upset she didn't pay for childcare and I did. I think I should pay it, and am very willing to (I only pay $100/week), but it's not fair that she doesn't.

She still has not given P* his money. She really burned her bridge with him.

AJ's bday is a week from today. I got him a few nice things that should arive in the mail today.
He is being inducted into the Texas Realtors something or the other that day too. I am so excited because my boss said I could go to the luncheon with him.

I think I am going to be anemic the whole time I am breastfeeding. I have to make sure and take my iron everyday. It also doesn't help that I stare at a computer screen everyday.

I have reconnected with an old friend from High School. I love her to death. We have so much in common, and I forgot about that, that it is scary. Her name is Michelle too! However it's spelled different because her father is from Iran. I wont put that spelling, just like AJ's, so it can't be googled.

She has a lot of the same ideals as me. Too bad she is still in Tulsa. bleh.

I almost went to the local LLL meeting, but didn't because Gagie fell asleep to early. I need to find a place that I can donate some of my milk. I have a lot of extra in my freezor since I pump so much more a day than he eats.

I am reading a new book, Nineteen Minutes. I like it so far, though I am only 30 pages in. I just got done reading Sisters. It was good in the middle but ended really stupid and nonclimatic. Hopefully this one will end better.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So irritated

Why would a SAHM not breastfeed, why? why? give me one VALID reason?

I will kill to be a SAHM mom and feed Gage everyday from my breast.

Why would someone want to waste thousands of dollars on crappy in can instead of BFing?

end rant.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gagie is sitting up and pic of wreck

Gage is sitting up on his own now.

He also loves my sweet potatoes. He wasn't sure about them at first but enjoyed them after a few bites! Yay me!

And picture of the wreck I was almost a part of:

Friday, March 9, 2007

Picky of Gagie

I took this last night. I absolutely adore it...and him too. LOL.

AJ, Gage and I went to the grocery store last night. AJ is so funny cause he will talk baby talk to Gage right there in the store and not care that anyone can hear.

It's cute, because AJ is 6'1", 200lbs bearded, and looks very non-emotional. But in reality is very cuddly and emotional. He is a big teddy bear.

I love my boys!


I am tooting along on my way to work. I see a truck in the east side (im going south) trying to either go left or across. Then out of nowhere I see the truck HITS a suburban like slow motion on a movie. The suburban goes out of control and coming into my lane. I am quick and swerve around as it passes me on the right.

I am shaking. My first instinct is to make sure the girls in the truck are okay. I then get my phone and call 911. Most of my stuff had shifted, and I find it. OMG OMG OMG. I am shaking horribly. I was almost was car#3 in this.

I gave my name to 911 and the police and my account of what happened. I took a picture of the BRAND NEW F150 all smooshed.

The cars looke like they hit head on. That is where all the damage is.

The truck was a girl who JUST got her license a MONTH ago.

Everyone was okay, just really shaken.

So...nice start to a Friday Morning right? However, it's mexican food day and there are lots of goodies to eat!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Gagie Sounds and other

Sometimes when Gage nurses he makes the cute little signing sounds. It's so sweet. And it's funny when he knows it's bed time and we cuddle up...he dives into my boob and I'm not sure he comes up for air for a good minute or so. LOL.

He also makes these high pitched squeels (sp?), as if to tell you something important.
He chats to himself a lot, or to AJ while I am getting ready.

He also get upset if I don't hold him when I pick him up from Gma's house each day. He will fuss until I hold him, then open his mouth wide and suck on my face in glee to see me, I assume those are his kisses.

He hates getting out of the bath. He LOVES LOVES LOVES the bath. He splashes a lot.
I am very lucky to have a good natured baby. :D

Our Anniversery is coming up on the 17th. I just saw on Blogger header thing about SXSW (south by southwest) in Austin. It's a music thing. We were there in Austin last year when they had. And it was funny because my step-sister Ma, was there for her 21st bday, March 16th.

AJ's 27th bday is on the 22nd. Not sure what I am going to get him. He is so hard to buy for. OMG wait I know. A business card hold with his name on it! Sweet. Now for an anniversery present.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Comparison of Me and Gage

Gage at 5.5 months old
Me at 3-4 months old.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Trip to Tulsa

thiWe went to Tulsa this weekend. It was a good trip. I got to see many people I haven't seen in 4year, 7 years and a 1.5 years! It was GREAT.

I had my bestfriend mad because I couldn't see her. The problem is I ALWAYS see her. I miss seeing these other people because of her! I wasn't going to tell her I was going but my sister told her we were coming. Then J* and her husband don't even end up going. THANKS J*!

We are for sure going to fly next time. That 4 hour trip is NOT fun. We did enjoy it some because AJ got a GPS and it was fun using that. We took 2 different way going up and coming back. Gage was great on the way up, but fussed the way back because he was so tired.

My Step-Sister was in the her school play Oklahoma! too. She did GREAT! She was up for Ado Annie, but they gave to this crappy girl that didn't deserve it. C* is a great singer, she's even been on the local TV station a few times for it. She did have a couple lines though. AJ hated it but he doesn't like plays.

The sereal part was being in the PAC again. I hadn't been there since my freshman year. It was exciting showing AJ the auditoriam I sang at when I was a teeny tiny 6th grader. He was quite impressed!

Anyways...better get to work.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sister and SIL's

My sister J* and her husband backed out on us for this weekend. Whatever.

I knew she would. She is so flaky sometimes.

AJ's sister has been making some pretty back choices lately. She is kinda shady so well call her that. Where to start.

1. She left her husband for the 3rd time last summer. She moved to a mobile home (huge mistake and is going to cost her $30,000) that they bought in BFE when they first got married. Her never-will-be-ex is an alcoholic, full time student at 37, and already lives with his g/f who Shady sends her kids too and have never met. He was bad desision number one.

2. AJ's family is Mormon. They believe in family and no divorce. However...with him...divorce is eminate. She has yet to file, not because of money but because she is scared she is going to have to pay Loser spousel support....but that doesn't exsist in Texas. He told her since he was on disability (a fake back injury for the past 15 years) she would have to give him like $2000 a month. And SHE BELEIVES HIM!!!!!

3. She is a nurse at night. Her parents (my inlaws) watch her kids for FREE! They take one to school, feed them and the other they watch all day. Even on the weekends. I pay my inlaws $400 a month to watch Gagie for only 8 hours..and she doesn't pay didly squat. How stinking fair is that?

4. She was seeing this guy she met at work...who promted the leaving of Loser. They dated for like 2 months and he asked my FIL for her hand in marriage....mind you SHE IS STILL MARRIED..and they aren't the mormons who believe in being married to more than one person. LOL. She wanted to get an apartment, she didn't have the money and borrowed it from FIL, only thing he said was you can't date G* anymore. She said okay....we found out yesterday she still talks to him and sees him.

5. She said she can't send her 4 year old to day care because she can't afford it, and she can't pay the inlaws because she can't afford it....but she just bought a car with a payment of $380 a month. Her other car was rear ended, but still drivable. Mainly just cosmetic damage...but I might be partial to driving cars like that because I didn't get my A/C fixed in Texas because it cost too much and I called it cosmetic. .

I earned the car I drive now.....I went 4 summers with out A/C in over 100 degree weather in Texas and Oklahoma. She doesn't deserve the car she bought.

She bought a $300 entertainment center, but has no bed for herself. Wanted to buy $200 couch in FAR SOUTH DALLAS COUNTY (2 hours away) but AJ raised hell becuase she could be spending that money on getting a divorce.

Her kids are B-R-A-T-S with a huge capital B. They wine cry and wont eat anything but junk food. I am not kidding. I am not exaggerating in the least. They made her come get Brat#2 because they aren't going to watch him for free. So he was playing alone (4yo), put too much toilet paper in the toiler and clogged it up so bad it was flodding the house. He took towels to get it dry. That didn't do it so he got blanket and comforters to help...all the while she is sleeping in the other room.

Her kids are rude, obnoxious and take toys from Gage because they don't want to share. GAGE is 6 months old....give him a break. Let him play with your toy. GEEEZZZZ.

I could go on an on. I left InLaws this morning and the last thing FIL said was "We aren't too happy with Shady and her choises right now." I said "No one is."