Monday, November 29, 2010


I know, I have been absent. It's been a very interesting 9 months. A lot has changed. A lot of change for the good, actually. I have been very hesitant to write at all, because of the things and who has access to this blog. I have nothing to hide though.

In March, AJ & I separated, and it was going to happen sooner or later. Our relationship had become very toxic & it was for the best that we have some time apart. I filed for divorce in April. Things are still pending.

In May, I found a small apartment for me and the kids. I had never been on my own, so I wasn't sure how I would or could afford my own place on my salary. I have been there ever since.

I have had a lot of ups & down, but my family & friends have been so increadably amazing. I can never repay them for what they have done. I have been apart from AJ for 8 months today, and let me tell you, my life is so much better. I am closer to my kids, my family, and most important God. I don't attend church often, but I have found God outside of church. Praying, and having the willingness has been the most important thing I have found. I have always had faith, but never put it to use. I have often wondered how I would get through the month with little to no money. God ALWAYS provides. Even at time when I am crying and have $5 in my bank account for 2 weeks and no gas in my car.

I hate that I have had a failed marriage, a second one, but at least I have my health & my kids. I do not lack for anything. I am not a failure as a person. I've been told to quit beating myself up over my past, and my bad decisions. It's okay, it will always be okay.

I am happy. I get lonely, but I am running again (ran 4.3 miles on Saturday), I am going back to school in the spring, and I have my meetings twice a week.

The kids are doing FANTASTIC, considering all they've been through. They are at a new school, and learning so much. They are tiny little spounges that keep learning and growing.

Gage turned 4 in August. He knows, days of the week, months of the year, all of his letters, sight reads, can spell, write all his letters, and is just becoming quite a little man. He is still quite attached to me, but he loves meeting new people and is still social.

Chloe, my little ham, is 2. She turned 2 in October. She is smart, smarter than Gage was at this age, funny, beautiful, and charms the pants off of everyone. She knows her ABC's, days of the week, a lot of sign language, thanks to yours truly. She loves pink & any kind of princess.

I wish I could think of more to write, but I'll leave it at that. :) Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I am ready for Christmas!!


Being Mimi

Chloe & her Cousin

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