Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday Already

Suck suck suck.

I feel like shit today. Pardon my french, but in stomach hurts so bad. It's not even funny. I can deal with it. It feels like Gas is trapped and it's making noises and such.

I did training last week at our main facility. There was a lady that just got on my last nerve, and the test I took I lost points for stupid reasons. I do international and they domestic, so I lost points because I didn't put what SHE wanted. Whatever.

Gage is doing better at the sitters. AJ said he didn't cry when he dropped him off and he actually slept 1 hr and 15 mins on Friday! He still gets very upset when I leave for work. Eh, that suck big time.

We picked my mom up from the airport on Saturday night and thought he was hot stuff walking around with all the space to roam. It was adorable.

I've thought about if I am going to be able to stop pumping once Gage turns a year. I have NO intentions on him weaning before 2 but he has become very reliant on his nursings on the weekends. He wont eat food much for me, and only wants his *num nums*. I'm down to only pumping once a day, but I just don't know if I can cut this one out. I am almost engorged right now and it's only noon.

I really wish I could go home. I am really hurting. Eh, I can't though.

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