Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chloe is here!

I had Miss Chloe on 10/21 at 6:41pm. Long labor, but short pushing. She was 7lbs 4.8oz and 19 inches long. She is perfect and so pretty.

We have had a roller coaster time since she's been home. They almost didn't let me take her home because of her bilirubin level was 9.8. Her pedi said that we could just follow up with him on Friday. Her level with the head thing was 15.7. So he sent us for blood tests. It came back 14. So they sent us a photo therapy thing called a Biliblanket. It's a machine that looks like a paddle that goes up her back so she stays on it. It has to be on her 24 hours a day. They also send a nurse out to take her blood and check her weight. She was 6lb8oz on Friday and yesterday she was 7lb2oz. She has been finally nursing like a newborn and I know that is helping too. Her level last night came back as 12. So it's going down!!!

The actual PEDI called me last night here at home. I thought that was really nice and surprising. He said that if her level keeps going down we'll be able to take her off the phototherapy today. YAY! We've had to camp out in my room because she can't go anywhere until her level is down.

Okay, enough of the boring are a few pictures:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Almost Done!

I'll be 39 weeks on Saturday. Almost there!! My next update might be with the baby on the OUTSIDE!

I am definitely ready for this to be over. I don't sleep much (thank goodness for On Demand) and I'm usually really worn out by the end of the day. I try to relax at night but having Gage saying mama this and mama that is hard.

Speaking of Gage is so funny. He is just a little chatter box. He talks away all the time now. He does silly cute things all the time. One is he has a stuffed dog named Webster. He'll put the dog on his head and say "Where's mah Webster?". I say, "On your head." "Oh" and laughs. He is a little comic.

I'm anxious to see how he'll be with his new sister. I hope he takes to her okay. :)

Anyways, tomorrow is my last day of work. YAY! Until next time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

37 weeks 2 day

I've got about 2 or so weeks. Blah. I'm done with this. My sister had her baby last week and it was so nice to hold her, but all I wanted was my baby too. :(

I'm tired, cranky, annoyed, and just in general miserable. This is the worst part of pregnancy for me. I *try* to enjoy, but it only lasts a few minutes.

She has no room left so her movements are painful.

My last day here should be the 17th. So 2 weeks of work. WILL I SURVIVE! Ha!