Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back to Work

I don't really update this much because as far I know only one person reads this. LOL. So if there are more, sorry for the lack of posts.

I am back to work now. I started yesterday. It's been fine, I guess. Leaving Chloe is weird. I am used to having her right there with me. I miss it too. Back to pumping three times a day. Fun times. I did enjoy my time off. I spent time with my sister and her baby.

We went to Disney on Ice back at the end of November. Gage LOVED it. He thought it was a cartoon. I had to bring Chloe because of some drama with my mom. She was supposed to watch her but she didn't show up. Nice, right?

We are going to my dad's house for Christmas. I'm excited. Everyone will be there.

Anywho, time to go home for the day.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chloe and me (au natural!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Crap it's been a while

Well let's see. Chloe will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. She has been a dream baby! She sleeps in her bassinet, something Gage never did. She nurses really great. Her weight on 11/07 was 8lbs3.2oz and 21 inches long. 50% for weight and 75% for length. She is gaining about 1.5 oz per day. Her pedi said "I guess you are making the good stuff." Hehe. I guess so!

Gage is taking it pretty well. Bedtime has been a struggle, but other than that he is just being a SUPER active 2 year old. He loves her and wants to kiss her all the time.

I am doing pretty good myself. I am not sore any longer and healed much faster than my delivery with Gage. I guess because it's my second and she was smaller.

I spent some time with my sister which is not something I've done recently. Her baby is 3 weeks 1 day older than Chloe so it's fun to compare. She isn't competitive with me about her at all, which is bad to say I kind of expected it.

I still have 4 weeks left off of work. I hope the transition back to work is smooth. I already have about 25 oz of milk pumped. She took a bottle this weekend and she did great so that is nice. I left her to go see my dad and my step-sisters boyfriend run a race. Adrean watched both of them for the first time alone. Gage didn't like that I left but he said Chloe drank the whole 5oz I gave him for her.

I will try and upload the pictures from this weekend and post them later. :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chloe is here!

I had Miss Chloe on 10/21 at 6:41pm. Long labor, but short pushing. She was 7lbs 4.8oz and 19 inches long. She is perfect and so pretty.

We have had a roller coaster time since she's been home. They almost didn't let me take her home because of her bilirubin level was 9.8. Her pedi said that we could just follow up with him on Friday. Her level with the head thing was 15.7. So he sent us for blood tests. It came back 14. So they sent us a photo therapy thing called a Biliblanket. It's a machine that looks like a paddle that goes up her back so she stays on it. It has to be on her 24 hours a day. They also send a nurse out to take her blood and check her weight. She was 6lb8oz on Friday and yesterday she was 7lb2oz. She has been finally nursing like a newborn and I know that is helping too. Her level last night came back as 12. So it's going down!!!

The actual PEDI called me last night here at home. I thought that was really nice and surprising. He said that if her level keeps going down we'll be able to take her off the phototherapy today. YAY! We've had to camp out in my room because she can't go anywhere until her level is down.

Okay, enough of the boring are a few pictures:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Almost Done!

I'll be 39 weeks on Saturday. Almost there!! My next update might be with the baby on the OUTSIDE!

I am definitely ready for this to be over. I don't sleep much (thank goodness for On Demand) and I'm usually really worn out by the end of the day. I try to relax at night but having Gage saying mama this and mama that is hard.

Speaking of Gage is so funny. He is just a little chatter box. He talks away all the time now. He does silly cute things all the time. One is he has a stuffed dog named Webster. He'll put the dog on his head and say "Where's mah Webster?". I say, "On your head." "Oh" and laughs. He is a little comic.

I'm anxious to see how he'll be with his new sister. I hope he takes to her okay. :)

Anyways, tomorrow is my last day of work. YAY! Until next time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

37 weeks 2 day

I've got about 2 or so weeks. Blah. I'm done with this. My sister had her baby last week and it was so nice to hold her, but all I wanted was my baby too. :(

I'm tired, cranky, annoyed, and just in general miserable. This is the worst part of pregnancy for me. I *try* to enjoy, but it only lasts a few minutes.

She has no room left so her movements are painful.

My last day here should be the 17th. So 2 weeks of work. WILL I SURVIVE! Ha!

Friday, September 19, 2008

35 weeks tomorrow

I can't believe I havn't updated in September. It's already over half way through.

I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow. I have an appt next Thursday and it will be weekly appt after that. Weird. Almost done.

Things have been more difficult physically though. I still have a lot of pressure on my stomach. My midwife said that with second babies your muscules are relaxed more and they baby lays lower. :( That is for sure.

She is still head down. So she will most likely stay that way.

Gage is being really cute and sweet. He will see my belly and say "Sissy" and hug it. I told him her birthday is coming up soon and asked him if he wanted to give her a present. He said "k". Then went and brought me one of the bags from a work baby shower.

Speaking of baby showers. My sister hosted a small family one on the 6th. Not many came but it was perfect and I loved it. Everyone brought clothes so I have a ton. Then last Friday my work gave me a surprise shower. I got so many wonderful gifts. A few people forgot to bring stuff that day so I received 4 more on Monday. It was very overwhelming and sweet of everyone there. She has clothes from now until next summer!!!

Until next time.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Gage's birthday party was last weekend. It was a lot of fun and he loved his cake. It was perfect because it was very stress free and they did everything for me. I am so happy I chose that this year.

We are getting Gage's pictures done today at 1. I hope he cooperates. :)

I am 32 weeks today. About 8 weeks left. The shower my sister is throwing me is next Saturday. :) Mostly will be just family because it's a birthday weekend next weekend. We have a birthday party down the street with Gage's friend at daycare. Then my friend's birthday and we're going to dinner for that. A night out!!

Here are some pictures below of Gage's birthday party.

2 years to the date that Gage was born:

Monday, August 11, 2008

29 weeks 2 days....less than 11 weeks until my EDD

I guess I should update. Haven't done that in a while. A few things have changed. One being my midwife moved practices and I decided to not follow her until after the baby is here. It was a mess, but I'll just stay since I'm already in my 3rd trimester. I have my appt this week too. I will meet the OB/GYN. Then set up my next appt with the new midwife, if she's accepting patients by then. While I'm in the area I will get my pre-registration for the hospital as well. :)

The second being my boss was fired. Ha. It was a matter of WHEN not IF. I like our interm boss we have. She is nice and knows a lot about our system. They said they'll start recruiting new people this week.

Pregnancy wise, I'm a big emotional mess. I'm antsy to get stuff done that I want done. I go on a hunt for things I can't find until I find them. It festers in my head until I find it. I freaked because I couldn't find my sling. I finally remembered it might be in a basket in the garage. I was happy that it was!!

I wanted the shelving unit to be put in the back room before my step mom came. (She gave it to us and it's been sitting in the garage since June.) It helped clean up and store more things in the back room.

I cried last night from built up stuff, but it was a nice release. I sleep like crap, still.

I picked up my FMLA/STD papers today. I am going to get 100% pay while I'm leave which will be SO flipping nice. We are going to maybe visit my dad in Tulsa during my leave.

I'm going to do my belly cast this weekend. :)

We got a new crib too. I got my voucher in the mail. It was quite an ordeal, but I ended up getting a $300 crib for nothing. I only had $275 to spend so not paying the extra was nice, though I had to drive 45 mins to get it. It's also not the color I wanted. I love Cherry Wood but it doesn't match the room, but at that point I didn't care. One thing I like is it's shorter than the other crib, so I can put the baby in with out leaning over too much as I'm only 5'2. Gage slept in it last night and he didn't wake up at all. Nice transition, thankfully!

new crib

His birthday is in less than 2 weeks!! My baby is almost 2!!! AH! He has me sing him "happa birtday" all the time. He loves it.

He also started asking for 'big (long i) hug' all the time too. It's so cute too. He is talking a lot more and saying pretty much everything he can. I still don't always understand but I just kind of go with it. hehe.

Well I better get to work.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Almost 27 weeks

I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow. That means I'll hit my 3rd trimester next Saturday! Wow! Already! Crazy! It's going fast. My body has been run down lately though. Very tired and achy, fun stuff like that. I had my monthly appointment yesterday. Everthing is good. Little baby is moving so much right now. She is so active. I like it because I know she is okay. :)

I'll get my Rhogam shot on the 4th. They decided not to give it to me this time because I'm not close enough to 28 weeks to have it.

Gage's birthday is less than a month away. His birthday is actually on the day of his party, the 23rd, so that is fun! I have one more address I need to get and I can send the invitations. (Wendy, email me at ********, we are having at a place that Isabella might enjoy and I can send you an invitation, if you like :)...)

Guess that's all. Just swimming this weekend and my grandma from out of town is coming over Sunday to spend time with tus.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch Up

Things are kind of boring right now. We've been going swimming a lot and Gage really enjoys it. He's really good in the pool.

Pregnancy wise not much is happening. I'm 25 weeks today. She is moving around a lot and is very active. I do my glucose next week and have a drs. appt the 25th. I think I get my Rhogam shot at that appt if I don't have any antibodies left over. I think my appts will start every 2 weeks since I'll be close to my 3rd trimester.

Me about 3 weeks ago. :D

This pregnancy is going so fast. I've bought a few more clothes. My sister is giving me a baby shower in September that will be for people to just bring clothes since we have everything else. :) My other sister's baby shouwer is next weekend. I'm not really looking forward to it, oh well. I have to go.

Gage's crib was recalled. I filled out the form online, they sent me a package to send all the hardware back and they'll send you a voucher for the price of the crib at BabiesRUs. I'm excited for a new crib. Right now Gage just has his mattress on the floor and he thinks it's so cool!

I've started planning Gage's birthday party. I can't believe he'll be 2 in August!

We cleaned out our garage today, well started. It was hot, but it really needed to happen. AJ bought this house 4 years ago last week and it's never been cleaned.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Couches & Layout!

New Layout! YAY!

I sometimes forget to update here because this isn't my primary journal.

Pregnancy wise, I do eat more and I've been gaining weight steadily. I did eat pretty bad last week, so my goal for this week is to eat no fast food. Plus it will save money too!

We got our new to us couches this weekend. They look so great! And my step-mom said they are only about 3-4 years old. I took pictures last night. We are going to rearrange the room. We are tired of the way it is and we can give ourselves more space if we do.

It was a hell of a trip coming back but we made it. It took us over an hour extra to come back. Gage did pretty well though considering the cirmumstances. He slept part of the way because he ran himself so hard at the park. He climbed different bars and would be so proud when he got to the top.

I also purchased the stroller this weekend too. I bought it from I use them as much as I can because you can choose "site to store" and you don't have to pay shipping. I always have it sent to the walmart just a 1/2 mile from my work so it's not out of the way at all. It's a great feature. It was also on sale. It was originally 199.98 and this weekend it was 183.98. With tax it was 198.96!! Good deal for us. Now all we need for the baby is her and some more clothes. I did buy her some this weekend but they are for next summer. I think I'll hit up the local resale shop because they might have fall clothes. No one has any fall clothes right now and with her being born the end of October it might be cooling off some by then and she'll need long sleeves and pants. I'm going to keep all of Gage's clothes until after she is born. I don't want to sell them and then she come out a he. Just in case!

Have a nice week!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday the 11th

I can't believe it's almost halfway through the year! Time flies so fast sometimes, but stands so still other times. Weird.

I am halfway through this pregnancy too. It's weird to think I'll be a mama of 2 in the fall. I had a co-worker buy me some cute little clothes from Old Navy. One is PINK! YAY! PINK!

I also got notice I'm to report to Jury Duty on June 30th. I am excited. Even if I don't get picked I have always just wanted to be selected to go. AJ got picked in 2005 and served on a jury. He said I should put *no* that I don't want to serve and that will help my chances of being on the jury. He said they told them that was one of the things that makes them WANT to pick you for jury. So we'll see.

I had my next drs. appt on July 1st so I had to reschedule it to June 27th. I'm glad they had it open. :)

We are going to my dad's this weekend to the couchs he is giving us. AJ's brother is driving since it's his truck we are borrowing. We are supposed to take a trailer but I don't want to because it wont fit in my dad's driveway very well. AJ insists we take it but whatever. I don't think I'll win this battle.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's a GIRL

We found out today we are having a girl. I am so excited! AJ is too! I just can't go broke from buying girl stuff. :)

I stayed home from work yesterday because Gagie had a high fever. He was okay most of the day but when his fever was really high he just wanted to snuggle with me. He slept a lot. I called the doctor and they just said if he continued to have a fever after 3 days call them back.

It finally broke about 5 and stayed down the rest of the night.

Monday, May 19, 2008

No title Monday

I am 17 weeks 2 days now. I am feeling much better than I have been. Work was kinda sucky last week but I survived. My co-worker was out Friday and lucky for me, our Canadian counterparts were relatively quiet. :)

Gage is saying everything I ask him to. We go through the same book about 5 times and he just loves repeating the words. The babysitter said he can say all of his colors now too. He doesn't know them by sight (I've been working on that with him) but he can repeat them each time.

I'm counting down the days until we find out what this baby is! I can't wait!!! I have been feeling him/her most days. The best was last Thursday when I felt three little pops of popcorn in my belly.

Life has been pretty quiet other than that. We went to visit my dad & step-mom last weekend. It's nice to get out of town for a few days. I'm excited this coming up weekend is a three day weekend!! We don't have plans but we'll see.

Until next time.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another Week

I am 15 weeks 2 days now. Everything is going smoothly right now. I had my second drs appt last Thursday. I love hearing the heartbeat; it was 150-160's! She got a reading then the baby moved over so she had to find it again. Silly baby. I also set up the appt. for the 20 week ultrasound!!!! What will this little baby be? I don't have a clue, AJ is thinking girl, but who knows. He was right with Gage.

We have the boy and girl name picked out. I probably wont reveal it until we find out what we are having.

Gage has started saying "wuv you" and it's absolutely adorable! He also does fish kisses now. He can also roll his tongue. He did it for the first time yesterday. I know it's genetic and both AJ and I can do it so he had no chance but to be able to do it. :)

I'll leave you with a few pictures:

Friday, April 25, 2008


Nothing really to update. I am 14 weeks tomorrow. I had an ultrasound done on 04/10 and they put me at 11 weeks 5 days so that makes me 13 w 6 d today.

It was fun to see the baby. I never got to see Gage when he was that small. Only had the 21 w ultrasound.

My sister is having a girl. I should be able to find out the end of May what I am having. :)

AJ got the job he applied for. It started out with more than 100 people and he got it! It is such a relief. That and him doing real estate will be nice money.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I've been abset, duh.

Well I have been away but only because I didn't know what to write. Plus I couldn't spill my beans yet, in a public forum anyway. I found out on February 18th I was pregnant!! It was kind of a shock since I didn't except it to happen.

I took a test the Thursday before and it was negative. I had only one PP period so I thought my cycle was just getting back to normal and may be long. I took another test on the 18th and it was positive! I was like OMGOSH! AJ is very excited.

I had my first appt last Thursday and it went well. We heard the heart beat! Very strong! I have an ultrasound on Thursday to make sure my dates are what we think they are.

I guess that's all for now. :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

We went to the zoo this weekend. Gage had so much fun! It was fun to see him look and be so interested in all the animals.

He had his 18 m check up. He is 27.2lbs 34 inches and 50cm for him head. He's getting tall and skinny. :) Just like his daddy.

He sure loves AJ. Anytime he can't see him he yells out Dada, dada. It's very sweet. He loves me too, but him showing more interest in his Dad is cute.

Another work week, at least it's pay day this week.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I guess I am not as good as keeping this up as I thought. Not much has been going on. AJ bought me a new cell phone over the weekend. It's a Sony Ericsson W580i. It's really cool.

Gage has his 18 month check up, on time, lol, next Monday. He probably wont have gained or grow much since his '15 month' check up was at almost 17 months old. He is talking more and more. He is so silly. He eats a lot. One thing I proud of is his not knowing what sweets are. They had cookies for Valentine's Day at the Babysitters and she said he didn't care much for his. I was like "yeah, his idea of sweets is fruit!".

Real Estate is picking up again for AJ. He has a day job but he has been showing a lot more and should have some money rolling in soon.

We havn't done our taxes yet, which is annoying me because we are waiting for his RE company to give him is tax form. It's the only one left. Boo them.

My job is good. There are a lot of changes recently. New boss for one. They are also phasing out the Canada location for international customer service. It will soon be down here.

Well that's all.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Finally Friday! Free at Last!

I tried sushi today for the first time!!! It was acutally not bad. My co-worker gave me some of hers.

I gatitos sat for a friend of mine and in payment for that she is going to take me to a sushi place to eat! YAY!

Gage is cutting molars and has been an absolute bear. He will not let me put him down at night. He gets so upset if I do. That has been a struggle.

Work has been better. It was really hard there for a while. I actually have time to take breaks and leave on time now. :)

I have also been very sad of the loss of Heath Ledger. My heart really hurts for his daughter. I feel like this could happen to us because AJ is the same age.

I'll leave you with some pictures of lunch and some recent ones of Gage.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I guess It's been a while

Christmas was good. We stayed here.

We went to Vegas for my birthday back on Jan 11 - 13. We had standby tickets from Southwest. We payed for our hotel but Saturday night we met some people from Oklahoma and they paid for our dinner and drinks later that night.

We are definitely going back!!!

Gage is weaned. I weaned him last week. So I made it to almost 17 months. He only cried the first night. Since he'll ask but he doesn't cry. He eats a lot more now too.

He had his 15 month check up late. Right now he is 26.4 lbs and 34 inches. 100% for his height and 75% for his weight. He is going to be a tall one.

AJ quit his night job so he is at home more!! Thankfully!!!

Things are going pretty well right now. I don't know if anyone reads this but I'll try to update more often. :)